I see many of people asking the question about certification and recognition of your certificates and qualification or international experience.
I have been living in Canada for almost 5 years now waiting for my citizenship. If you are planning to come to canada think twice.
Canadian Universities, employers do not consider international qualification or experience. They will first reject your application based on name and by any chance if you get entry, they will reject your application saying no canadian experience. there are alot of well qualified doctors, PhDs, IIT degree holders and experienced people who are well qualified. they do not get jobs and are doing meagre jobs like uber, taxi and all or they are running business. Please do not waste your money of promise of better future. You are better off not coming here, there are no jobs, if you already have money, it is better to look at a place that recognizes your expeirence. I have US experience in technology but they do not consider my experience stating that it is not canadian experience. Do not fall for any agency support provided TRIEC, Center for skills development or anything. You can ask a lot of people about their experiences they are just falsely advertising and no jobs exists