Take it, fsw draws won't happen till 2023.
2043 you mean. Also everytime there's an election they'll add another 10 years to that because Canadians read these forums and if there's any FSW draws (which totally didn't happen before especially when there's an election) any time they don't vote.
FSW draws cannot happen when;
There's an election
There's not an election
The year begins with a 2
Tuesday comes after Monday
There's backlog
There's no backlog
Housing prices go up
Housing prices go down
I mean it's well known Canada has never accepted immigrants. Give them time, in 100 years they'll get comfortable with the idea of immigrants.
An example citizen:
Person A: yo dude what up
Person B: nm dude just about to vote
Person A: who you voting for dude
Person B: Trudeau
Person A: dude canadavisa forum says there'll be FSW draws soon
Person B: no way dude then I'm not voting for Trudeau
Person A: yea right dude I mean we don't want housing prices to explode all of a sudden because we all know every FSW draw adds 100k to house prices
Person B: yea dude