Applied July 12Applied on 10th June, Rejected 28th June, Reapplied 10th July for Sept intake
GreatReapplied on 14th July 2021
Medical updated on 20th July 2021
Have you received your final decision ?Rejected on 21st June, and reapplied on 1st July. Medical passed and received BVL on 14th July and still waiting for the final decision.
Have you received your result yet ?Reapplied on 14th July 2021
Medical updated on 20th July 2021
that was fast, what was the reasons for your refusalRejected on 21st June, and reapplied on 1st July. Medical passed and received BVL on 14th July and still waiting for the final decision.
Not yet, still waiting.Have you received your final decision ?
Purpose of visit, so this time I changed my study plan tried sdsthat was fast, what was the reasons for your refusal
Did you apply in same course or college as my cousin got 3rd refusal for study permit with CBU university,please advise if you have any idea what should she have to do before applyHello,
How many re-applicants for fall 2021 intake? I had reapplied for Visa on 27-Jul-2021 after a refusal on 21-Jul-2021. Please gather here and lets rate our chances of getting a SP approved before Fall 2021.
Midhun Rajan