This is from Canada in India:Did you contacted VFS/IRCC regarding the delay in submission of passports like I meant how do you came to know if PPR letter remains valid? I just submitted PCC letters today on my profile but in my case I got it all together on same day like remeds form/PCC/Dcoument submission letter(if that is what PPR 2 is) and IRCC extended the deadline from 30 days to 90 days but never asked about document submission. So just curious from where you got this info as it seems quite helpful.
This is from the VFS Global website:
What if my passport submission request letter/ biometric instruction letter has expired?
If your passport request letter has expired, you can use that expired letter to confirm your two-way courier with the VAC Contact Center for your passport transmission. There is no need to contact IRCC for a new letter. The VACs will accept your expired letter. If your biometric instruction letter (BIL) has expired, you can still request a biometric appointment using the same letter. There is no need to contact IRCC for a new letter. The VACs will accept your expired letter. NOTE: Only Family Class applicants and Students may request a biometric appointment at this time. Please consult: IRCC Find a VAC. Updates regarding additional services will be posted on this page.
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