That's how an economy works. They have millions of dollars of fee in their Canadian bank they can easily invest for 3 months and return that money back to owners. Even after rejection, we have to bear a loss of around 1k dollars due to money exchange. In respect of racism, UK is really bad and you don't want me to talk about Aus. USA is quite cool however shootout is really normal these days and living expense is too much out there. I agree with the travel part with Europe. However, with Canada, though they have a migration policy people should understand that getting a job without reference is quite hard out there. You need Canadian exp plus you will be starting from scratch. In 5 years time, you will be down with debt due to a house loan, car loan and ya medical is not free. you have to pay huge taxes and eye and dental is expensive as hell. I rather think getting a good degree and working in home country is much more a good idea. you can get a good pay package and you already have a home out here ( not talking about people who sell everything for visa ).