First of all I never said you needed to have lived in Quebec for the past 12 months to qualify for PGP. I said you have to have filed Quebec tax returns in the past year to qualify and need to remain living in Quebec while your application is being processed. If you look at the MIFI application that you have to submit the required documents that are from Quebec only not from Canada. In order to qualify to be selected for the 1 year NOA you need to provide proof that you filed your taxes in Quebec last year. Qualifying for PGP is not the same as sponsoring a spouse or dependent children or applying for express entry.
Sponsors living in Quebec
The government of Quebec is responsible for determining whether or not sponsors living in the province of Quebec have the financial ability to sponsor family members and the length of their undertaking.
If the federal eligibility requirements are met, the case processing centre (CPC) will send the sponsor a letter with instructions to download the
Ministère de l’Immigration, de la Francisation et de l’Intégration (MIFI)undertaking kit, complete it and submit it to the MIFI with a copy of the letter from the CPC.
For more information on Quebec’s requirements, call the MIFI’s general information line at 514-864-9191 or 1-877-864-9191 or
consult their website
Documents obligatoires
1 L’original du formulaire d’évaluation de la capacité financière, dûment rempli et signé
2 Une copie de tous vos feuillets d’impôts (relevé 1, etc.) de la dernière année d’imposition
3 Une copie de votre déclaration personnelle de revenus du Québec pour la dernière année d’imposition, incluant toutes les annexes utilisées, par exemple : Annexe L, Annexe G, TP-80 (Revenus et dépenses d’entreprise ou de profession), etc.
4 Une copie de l’avis de cotisation émis par Revenu Québec pour la dernière année