Hey Guys, I need your suggestion on taking the next step.
@legalfalcon @whyCorona
So IRCC asked me to do Remedicals and they have updated my GC by removing the old counterfoils and sending me an IME form.
But, I had done my upfront re-medicals in Dec 2020, which havent been updated by IRCC. And they have mentioned in the yesterdays email as a Side note- as below
"Important: Please
DO NOT do an up-front IME. Completing an IME before IRCC asks you will delay processing and may lead to you spending more money on a new IME later on. You must take your new medical forms with you when you go for your medical examination(s)."
This got me confusing now. Now, The Medical centre where i got my up-front remeds done, said they cant do another one until the latest one validity expires. And they asked me to email IRCC to merge my new UMI to the current given IME form.
What do you suggest i do?.