This is just so unfair though. There needs to be way to find out when can we expect something . We van't provide a time frame is b......t . Pardon my language . Life for so many people is on hold due to this , they can't add new member to family, dependents on the file can't marry. let alone the sponsor can't marry as it will jeopardized the file .We organized a protest in front of CPC-Mississauga for their no action on the Spousal Sponsorship application. Even after that, there is no improvement or a word from Idiot Immigration Minister Marco. Either we go big In number and combinedly protest together (Spousal/Parents' sponsorship)with a huge number
or we just wait.
Check my above post :
My mother is over 64 , she had a fall recently and now on bed for 4 weeks. she doesnt feel like eating anyting ,my younger brother is taking care of her which is so unfair. How the hell government is not able to provide an answer.