I would say a word or two more about the US (recent events there even made me question my desire to move in "next door"

) but I don't want to offend any American members of the forum. Then again I doubt many Trump supporters are applying for Canadian PR
I was drawn last November but the application was rejected in January as I'd taken the wrong TCF exam
I was devastated as you may imagine..
I took the (correct) TEF, now back in the pool on 477
I'll retake IELTS in April as I missed 3 points the 1st time. My (French) wife will retake her TEF as she missed two points.
So we have 477, potentially 482. I turn 42 in July, so this'll drop to 467-72
If I hang in there long enough, it should happen. Obviously I try not to think too much about the rejected application!