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Jan 31, 2021
Congrats man :) , short hearing or long one?
have you received a less complex process letter before that if so.?
thank you ☺, the hearing was at 1 pm, lasted about 3 hours, no, I did not receive a letter about a less complicated one!


Jan 31, 2021
was the member asking back to back questions or what it was about exactly , felt like an investigation I mean or how it was , can you please share your exact experience with that on what it was about!
This would be helpful , since i do have a short hearing date and i'm not sure what is going to ask me exactly
for me it did not look like an investigation, the first half hour there were questions about information from my refugee questionnaire, the next half an hour she asked questions about my case, in a very neat form, she said that she was ready to give an answer after the break, after the break they asked more 2 questions, and they said that she made a positive decision about me, another break, and after it, an officially positive decision was read out. Congratulations! I have a very positive impression of my meeting.


Jan 31, 2021
There's two types of hearings , one is a short hearing and one which takes long , but yours is in middle lol , short hearing is two hours or less , long one is 4 to 6 hours , urs is 3 so i'm not sure what is it hehe
I think my short one, an hour after the start, she said that she was ready to make a decision, there were 2 breaks for half an hour, and an hour to read a positive decision


Hero Member
Nov 13, 2019
for me it did not look like an investigation, the first half hour there were questions about information from my refugee questionnaire, the next half an hour she asked questions about my case, in a very neat form, she said that she was ready to give an answer after the break, after the break they asked more 2 questions, and they said that she made a positive decision about me, another break, and after it, an officially positive decision was read out. Congratulations! I have a very positive impression of my meeting.
Congratulations so she just asks few questions basic related to story etc and granted very lucky you are .. glad for you my friend attend 2 hearings and in both dozens of questions were asked :)


Hero Member
Nov 13, 2019
Are your hearings considered as short hearings?
no, it was normal hearing they didn't said it is long or short it was scheduled for 3 hours but she wasn't satisfied so ask for another hearing after a week so it is quite normal there is no short hearing thing unless they are satisfy they can extend your time over and over no matter they call for short hearing if not satisfied will keep it longer


Hero Member
Aug 10, 2020
@cyberlink hey, did your hearing go well!? Can you kindly describe what questions were like, and how did the member go about the case?
Hi everyone
I share my experience through whole process.
- Summer 2019 applied in toronto.
- late fall 2019 selected for less complex and sent documents and certificate of readiness for file review process.
-file review not accepted and in November 2020 my lawyer called me and said we are going to a short hearing.
- got the letter for short hearing in late jan 2021
- today 1th march 2021 was my virtual short hearing.
- i was at my lawyers office confrence room and he was at his room.

Hearing experience :

First 25 min it was all about procedures and introducing and confirming my papers and name and...
Last 30 min i was asked by member about my BOC, some questions was general and some specific, member was completely ready and know everything about my case, names, dates and events, so he asked in different angles but he was polite and calm but in a serious face , then he called for a 15 min break, after break his face was completely smily and diffrent than before. And then Boom: positive decision and reads about 10 min about why he accepted my claim.
My lawyer said it takes a while for the letter but probably he gets the letter in portal or his email very sooner and share it with me to start my applications.

My advise:
just know your case, of course if its true you gonna know all of it, mine was all true and he asked questions and i answerd right away with as smiley face, after couple of questions he just changed the questions to general questions and even asked about my work experience after claiming.
Get a good lawyer and practice hearings couple of times before real one.
Check tge dates on your BOC and make sure all is true and there is not false dates on them.
I know its hard but
Staaaaaaaaay Callllllllllllm
During the hearing and specialy sleep well the night before.
Wish you all the best fellas.


Jan 31, 2021
Hi everyone
I share my experience through whole process.
- Summer 2019 applied in toronto.
- late fall 2019 selected for less complex and sent documents and certificate of readiness for file review process.
-file review not accepted and in November 2020 my lawyer called me and said we are going to a short hearing.
- got the letter for short hearing in late jan 2021
- today 1th march 2021 was my virtual short hearing.
- i was at my lawyers office confrence room and he was at his room.

Hearing experience :

First 25 min it was all about procedures and introducing and confirming my papers and name and...
Last 30 min i was asked by member about my BOC, some questions was general and some specific, member was completely ready and know everything about my case, names, dates and events, so he asked in different angles but he was polite and calm but in a serious face , then he called for a 15 min break, after break his face was completely smily and diffrent than before. And then Boom: positive decision and reads about 10 min about why he accepted my claim.
My lawyer said it takes a while for the letter but probably he gets the letter in portal or his email very sooner and share it with me to start my applications.

My advise:
просто знайте свой случай, конечно, если это правда, вы все это узнаете, мое было все правдой, и он задавал вопросы, и я сразу же отвечал, как смайлик, после пары вопросов он просто изменил вопросы на общие вопросы и даже задал о моем опыте работы после подачи заявки.
Найдите хорошего юриста и пару раз потренируйтесь на слушаниях перед настоящим.
Проверьте даты на вашем BOC и убедитесь, что все верно и на них нет ложных дат.
Я знаю, что это сложно, но
Staaaaaaaaay Callllllllllllm
Во время слуха и особенно выспитесь накануне вечером.
Желаю вам всего наилучшего, ребята.


Star Member
Aug 15, 2020
Applied I claim in Dec 2018 and postponed hearing four times .On 1 March I also had the virtual hearing .
Commissioner asked a lot of questions from the story and BOC.
He was calm and asking tons of questions
linked with the related to the story .It took
almost 3hours with 15 minutes break and
30minutes of declaration of decision,and 30 minutes of starting introductions.
There was a shower of questions.
But finally He gave the positive decision!!!


Hero Member
Nov 13, 2019
Hi everyone
I share my experience through whole process.
- Summer 2019 applied in toronto.
- late fall 2019 selected for less complex and sent documents and certificate of readiness for file review process.
-file review not accepted and in November 2020 my lawyer called me and said we are going to a short hearing.
- got the letter for short hearing in late jan 2021
- today 1th march 2021 was my virtual short hearing.
- i was at my lawyers office confrence room and he was at his room.

Hearing experience :

First 25 min it was all about procedures and introducing and confirming my papers and name and...
Last 30 min i was asked by member about my BOC, some questions was general and some specific, member was completely ready and know everything about my case, names, dates and events, so he asked in different angles but he was polite and calm but in a serious face , then he called for a 15 min break, after break his face was completely smily and diffrent than before. And then Boom: positive decision and reads about 10 min about why he accepted my claim.
My lawyer said it takes a while for the letter but probably he gets the letter in portal or his email very sooner and share it with me to start my applications.

My advise:
just know your case, of course if its true you gonna know all of it, mine was all true and he asked questions and i answerd right away with as smiley face, after couple of questions he just changed the questions to general questions and even asked about my work experience after claiming.
Get a good lawyer and practice hearings couple of times before real one.
Check tge dates on your BOC and make sure all is true and there is not false dates on them.
I know its hard but
Staaaaaaaaay Callllllllllllm
During the hearing and specialy sleep well the night before.
Wish you all the best fellas.
Congratulations and thanks for your detailed post Good luck for your bright future :)


Star Member
Mar 8, 2021
Hi everyone
I share my experience through whole process.
- Summer 2019 applied in toronto.
- late fall 2019 selected for less complex and sent documents and certificate of readiness for file review process.
-file review not accepted and in November 2020 my lawyer called me and said we are going to a short hearing.
- got the letter for short hearing in late jan 2021
- today 1th march 2021 was my virtual short hearing.
- i was at my lawyers office confrence room and he was at his room.

Hearing experience :

First 25 min it was all about procedures and introducing and confirming my papers and name and...
Last 30 min i was asked by member about my BOC, some questions was general and some specific, member was completely ready and know everything about my case, names, dates and events, so he asked in different angles but he was polite and calm but in a serious face , then he called for a 15 min break, after break his face was completely smily and diffrent than before. And then Boom: positive decision and reads about 10 min about why he accepted my claim.
My lawyer said it takes a while for the letter but probably he gets the letter in portal or his email very sooner and share it with me to start my applications.

My advise:
just know your case, of course if its true you gonna know all of it, mine was all true and he asked questions and i answerd right away with as smiley face, after couple of questions he just changed the questions to general questions and even asked about my work experience after claiming.
Get a good lawyer and practice hearings couple of times before real one.
Check tge dates on your BOC and make sure all is true and there is not false dates on them.
I know its hard but
Staaaaaaaaay Callllllllllllm
During the hearing and specialy sleep well the night before.
Wish you all the best fellas.
Congratulations ✌
Would you please tell me your backcountry? And what's your case?
Did you have a translator in hearing?


Hero Member
Apr 19, 2019
Hello everyone,

My hearing was today. It went very smooth but the member said she did not have enough time to give a decision today as we started late in the morning and she had another hearing scheduled at 1 pm. The hearing took almost 2.5 hours including 40 minutes of break. The questioning was about BOC and pretty easy. I answered questions for about less than 30 minutes and the rest was the member and my counsel exchanging info.
She said that she is legally able to take 2 months to give a decision but she never takes that long. She said I have to expect much less time, say, one to two weeks.
I am waiting for the decision.
My counsel was smart enough to get a glimpse of the member's opinion on my case by asking if the member had any issues she could resolve by explaining stuff to her and she said no! The only problem was "credibility" which is resolved now! In the opinion of my counsel it means she has no doubts about my case which is good news.

Here is the timeline for your reference but I believe each claim is unique as my friend and I made a claim on the same DAY! but he had his hearing in January 2020! 1 year and 3 months earlier than me and he did not get a "less complex letter".

1. Made the claim in June 2019.
2. Got a "less complex" letter a few months later.
3. Then nothing until December 2019 when I called IRB and they said they have decided to have a short hearing.
4. Then Covid hit in March and nothing for almost 9 months later
5. 3 months ago I received a Notice to Appear letter.
6. Today was the hearing
7. Still waiting for the decision hopefully it is positive.

If you have any queations let me know.