Hi - I have an ICT work permit and am outside Canada in US and applying for BC PNP. I have two questions regarding BC PNP JOb offer form.
1) My company HR is ready to provide Job offer letter on their letterhead with necessary details but not on the JOb offer form from BC PNP website (https://www.welcomebc.ca/getmedia/a37df2f7-8b8b-4a25-9955-9bddf85090f4/Job-Offer-Form.pdf.aspx). My employer is a big company and they have a common format for PR (Basically NO deviation from current process). Does anyone know if my offer letter will be accepted by BC PNP? 2)
2) I have a ICT WP and since it is a transfer, no recruitment was done for this position. I know if I am in Canada, the recruitment step is waived off but currently, I am in US and want to apply for BC PNP now. So, any clarifications in this regard would be appreciated. If anyone has faced similar situation or know about this situation? Thanks in advance.
1) My company HR is ready to provide Job offer letter on their letterhead with necessary details but not on the JOb offer form from BC PNP website (https://www.welcomebc.ca/getmedia/a37df2f7-8b8b-4a25-9955-9bddf85090f4/Job-Offer-Form.pdf.aspx). My employer is a big company and they have a common format for PR (Basically NO deviation from current process). Does anyone know if my offer letter will be accepted by BC PNP? 2)
2) I have a ICT WP and since it is a transfer, no recruitment was done for this position. I know if I am in Canada, the recruitment step is waived off but currently, I am in US and want to apply for BC PNP now. So, any clarifications in this regard would be appreciated. If anyone has faced similar situation or know about this situation? Thanks in advance.