Just based on the data points from this website, it looks like the original reason of our applications being ignored by IRCC was not related to whether you were an FSW or a CEC applicant. It was about having AOR older than 6 months. But a few weeks ago IRCC acknowledged that they wouldn't be actively looking into FSW applications "until a further notice" (which doesn't sound encouraging, especially coming from IRCC, especially after a year of waiting

). While it looks like some older CEC cases (like yours) start getting attention, unfortunately, it is not the case for FSW. The fact that they've de-prioritized FSW-Inland applications indicates they don't understand the implications of being FSW-Inland (or, they simply don't care).
While they aren't currently processing existing FSW applications, they still accept the new ones, so their backlog of FSW applications keeps growing. Who do you think will get priority once they start processing FSW again? No one knows, but based on their track record, I have a feeling it won't be older AOR dates. Re-applying afresh as CEC might be a fair game, considering that on average, processing times for
recent CEC applications are within 4 months.