My parents applied for a regular tourist visa back in 2017... It has been 3 yrs+ and their visa is still in processing.
What Can we do from our side?
I am a Canadian Citizen. The purpose of their visit was to come and see my daughter (now she is 3yrs old).
We have contacted Singapore high commission, multiple times. And every time the reply "No further action required from your end" and "Pending secondary security clearance", "the file is still in processing". Why does it ALWAYS happen with Singapore Office?
I am a bit frustrated here. My parents are in their early 70s and mid 60s. I understand a delay can happen because of multiple reasons, and every case is different. But for a tourist visa, an applicant has to wait for 3YEARS? is there no procedure in place to find out why this would take 3years? Does the Singapore office never follow-up with their files to see what has happened to their security clearance requests if it is given to other 3rd party organizations?
As a case officer, if I forwarded a request for Security clearance for an applicant to another department, will I not EVER follow-up with that department to see why my request for security clearance has not come back??? Will I just completely forget that there are applicants just waiting for their documents?
Just tell me which part of the world does it, take 3YEARS to get a security clearance???
I apologize for the rant. Is there anything I can do from Canada, to help find out more as to what is going on?!

What Can we do from our side?
I am a Canadian Citizen. The purpose of their visit was to come and see my daughter (now she is 3yrs old).
We have contacted Singapore high commission, multiple times. And every time the reply "No further action required from your end" and "Pending secondary security clearance", "the file is still in processing". Why does it ALWAYS happen with Singapore Office?
I am a bit frustrated here. My parents are in their early 70s and mid 60s. I understand a delay can happen because of multiple reasons, and every case is different. But for a tourist visa, an applicant has to wait for 3YEARS? is there no procedure in place to find out why this would take 3years? Does the Singapore office never follow-up with their files to see what has happened to their security clearance requests if it is given to other 3rd party organizations?
As a case officer, if I forwarded a request for Security clearance for an applicant to another department, will I not EVER follow-up with that department to see why my request for security clearance has not come back??? Will I just completely forget that there are applicants just waiting for their documents?
Just tell me which part of the world does it, take 3YEARS to get a security clearance???
I apologize for the rant. Is there anything I can do from Canada, to help find out more as to what is going on?!