ASD is not the only service or treatment an autistic child may have.
ASD by definition

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a
developmental disability that can cause significant social, communication and behavioral challenges.
According annex B section 1 what is including in the coast nothing applies for ASD.
section 2 that are not included in the cost:
Social services for which costs will not be included to determine if an applicant meets the eligibility criteria and conditions under the public policy
- special education services (preparation of an individualized education plan, educational assistants, etc.)
- social and vocational rehabilitation services (rehabilitation facilities, occupational therapy, behavioural therapy, speech-language therapy, etc.)
- personal non-professional support services means services such as assistance with activities of daily living (bathing, dressing, feeding, etc.), meal preparation, house cleaning, etc.
- provision of devices related to those services.
So legally this should not discriminate ASD kids anymore and should be processed as normal.
Only my opinion my friend

but it is wrong how we are treated right now.