Better take education loan for fee and gic payment rather than spending your savings . Use your savings as proof of funds.He was having funds for first year fees and GIC. Next year he will take a personal loan
I actually have the same questions.Hi,
I want to know even if we pay first year fees and GIC, Can my visa still be rejected because of financial insufficiency? I have not shown any proof of funds neither my father's income on SOP as it is 5 lakhs year only.
Did you get it?I took a loan, paid for the first year. Paid for GIC from savings. Showed these two payments and for the second year, I showed thrice the amount that is required by attaching liquid assets' statements. Applied for the visa yesterday. Let's see how it goes.
@jigzyy gic and full tuition fee will be suffice if the course duration is 1 year ?Absolutely. It can be refused for financial insufficiency under SDS as well. Like someone else mentioned here, for students that are in India, it's easy for them to get educational loan and apply using that. It acts as two things, 1- Financial sufficiency + 2- As a strong home tie because the loan has been issued against something. Instead of depleting all savings, its better to go with the loan + show savings as back up source of financial support which will then act as a stream of money for future years.
The bank statement with funds mentioned in local currency is fine or I need to submit it in terms of CAD equivalency ?@Kadimi
Taking loans may weaken your application, it will only benefit if you counteract it by showing savings on your name (4 to 6 month bank statement), not on anyone else's to make it count as a tie. Bank statements represented by immediate family only counts when there is no loan sanctioned.
Obviously local currency related to the nationality, the type of currency doesn't matter anyway. Doing something unusual may raise eyebrows of the VO hence it's suggested to go with the local currency.The bank statement with funds mentioned in local currency is fine or I need to submit it in terms of CAD equivalency ?