Which is okay. And that's why it makes sense they do it at the PR level. However for citizenship, it shouldn't be imposed since Quebec isn't a country, Canada is - and since there are two official languages, either proficiency should be good (as it is today). Like some of the speakers mentioned in the debate - making it easier and welcoming to learn a language through awareness works way better than trying to impose it.Obviously people posting regarding this were not around or not aware of the English exodus in the 70’s. French will ALWAYS come first in Quebec no matter what people want or say.
That’s just the way it is . Do a bit of research before moving to the province
It’s amusing that individuals that who’ve chosen to go to a province think they are going to change things /culture that started back on the Plains of Abraham, over two hundred years ago .
Or they have no clue what the Plains of Abraham was
It’s cute