Hi, everyone, I filed for my citizenship back in September, 2019 and am one of those unfortunate souls whose test was cancelled a whopping 10 days before, so now have been waiting (like everyone else) for the tests to resume. In the meantime, I read this article (https://www.thestar.com/news/canada/2020/08/16/covid-19s-latest-victims-would-be-citizens-waiting-to-take-their-oath-face-new-delays-over-expired-clearances.html) that was talking about people going in for their oath ceremony post-test, only to be told their criminal clearances have since expired and they needed fresh ones to take the test. So, I have some questions:
- Has anyone run into this scenario? Does it seem corner case?
- Should I re-request my PCCs from my country that I lived in previous to immigrating here? I lived in the UK (as a temporary worker) from 2012-2016 and moved to Canada, filing for citizenship in 2019.
- If I need to re-request them, any idea on how much lead time? I understand that it's probably moot until testing reopens, but want to get ahead of any potential roadblocks (I'll honestly probably just re-request it to hedge my bets, but would rather not spend the money if I don't have to.)