The issue is that if the care for your sibling is determined to be too expensive your mother will be denied PR as well. It is a bit of a double edged sword. Parents must include children who dependent on them but they can also cause parents to be denied PR. In your case if your mother passes away and your sister needs care then it can be very expensive. There is also a huge demand for group homes for disabled adults but a very long wait list (20+ years). It will be important to show the level of independence of your sister. Whether, for example, she would be able to remain at home alone during the day if your mother passes away or gets to ill to care for her and that you are still able to work to support both of them.Thank you for replying to my post @mintmint . Can you please give me an insight on “admissibility”? Do you mean that i should check if she qualifies to be a dependent child of my mother? I guess she does as her condition can be tagged under “ mental”.
As per CIC’s website, here is the clause “ Child who is 22 or over and dependent on their parent due to a physical or mental condition is eligible to be processed as a dependent “
This should hold true in my case. Thoughts?