Did you also raise a webform and notify that you had sent the required or may be upload via webform aswell as there is tracking?Hi Guys,
I have a question, i have received a letter from NDVO about procedural fairness... is that something bad??.
Also for sending additional documents nothing is specified in the email or in my account, I don’t find any place to update. So my representative, has sent all documents toDELHIIMMIGRATION@international.gc.ca and delhi-im-enquiry@international.gc.ca. Is that right or do I have to do anything different.
And I was just given 30 days, so I received letter on August 28th and only three more days are left and am very worried now.
please do give suggestions. Thanks in advance
Could you please let me know what was the PFL about? And what additional documents were asked? Thanks