Pls, I need an advice.
(Pls note: I reside in Canada)
I applied for PR through my lawyer. My lawyer use a paper application to submit documents via mail . Every correspondence mail from IRCC goes to my lawyers office address.
I receive a Biometric Instruction Letter from IRCC through my lawyer. I am currently waiting for a call from Service Canada to do my biometric as it is the new rule IRCC has put in place for PR applicant going for boimetric.
I read on IRCC website that they if an applicant use a representative (i.e lawyer), Service Canada will contact the representative to book a biometric appointment for PR applicants..
Right now, My lawyer is always slow not responding to my calls. so, to avoid missing the call from Service Canada, I want to change my mailing address, email and phone number to mine while RETAIN MY LAWYER AS MY REPRESENTATIVE ON MY APPLICATION.
I have already change the mailing address from my lawyers office address to my personal address, email and phone ONLY. i did NOT remove my lawyer as he is still my representative.
My question is: Will i be able to receive any mail,call or email directly from IRCC to me ? because I dont want it to be mailed to my lawyers office anymore.
Hope to hear from you soon
(Pls note: I reside in Canada)
I applied for PR through my lawyer. My lawyer use a paper application to submit documents via mail . Every correspondence mail from IRCC goes to my lawyers office address.
I receive a Biometric Instruction Letter from IRCC through my lawyer. I am currently waiting for a call from Service Canada to do my biometric as it is the new rule IRCC has put in place for PR applicant going for boimetric.
I read on IRCC website that they if an applicant use a representative (i.e lawyer), Service Canada will contact the representative to book a biometric appointment for PR applicants..
Right now, My lawyer is always slow not responding to my calls. so, to avoid missing the call from Service Canada, I want to change my mailing address, email and phone number to mine while RETAIN MY LAWYER AS MY REPRESENTATIVE ON MY APPLICATION.
I have already change the mailing address from my lawyers office address to my personal address, email and phone ONLY. i did NOT remove my lawyer as he is still my representative.
My question is: Will i be able to receive any mail,call or email directly from IRCC to me ? because I dont want it to be mailed to my lawyers office anymore.
Hope to hear from you soon