thanks agape. My aunt having a hard time to fill out the financial evaluation form. As I've understand there are two ways in calculating the income. First, is based on OPTION C PRINT OUT and then the other one is based on the preceeding 12 months.
I think it would be best if my aunt will show her T4 and option c printout to me so i could help her. I dont have an idea when it comes with this and so we are thinking to hire an immigration consultant to help us with the process. Can you guide me through what should be done first in financial evaluation just to make sure that my aunt will meet the LICO. By the way, can she include her part time work on the form? combination of part time and full time?
Also, there is question in financial evaluation form imm 1283 question # 9, total income available to sponsor, does it mean this is the amount that should be available on her account prior submitting the application? Thanks for your help.