Ton of applications transferred to Edmonton and Ottawa in past couple of months which elevated pressure on other visa offices. With the updates from a lot of students in past week, it seems Edmonton is processing July/August SDS applications these days. I guess they are then transferred to Ottawa for final approvals. Thats why a lot of refusals came from Ottawa few days ago. Meanwhile, a lot of other embassies started limited operations, due to lack of load, they are processing MUCH faster at this time. Some people have seen 1-week turn-around time (though mostly refusals). For India, I don't think there's an official word on how many embassies are open at the moment, but the worsen condition in recent days will result in closures again. So applications that were processing in different offices (other than New Delhi) may face further delays. Is your application SDS or Non-SDS, online/offline? Have you called and asked where your application is getting processed?