Will detailed elaboration of following data points help ? Any edits/suggestions ?
- What planning have we done till now
- Contact information/communication for real estate agents or landlords,
- Research on areas we may want to live
- Colleges - inquired information about them
- What we plan to do while PR application is being evaluation
- Scouting banks
- Scouting trip by sponsor
- lists of industries/companies you'll be applying to for a job
- communication with immigrant service organizations
- Contacting moving companies to get a quote to shift furniture.
- Plan after approval of PR
- Doing job search
Any proof of your next upcoming trip when you plan to see each other. They want to know your relationship is genuine, anyone can contact a moving company, a bank or a real estate agent, but evidence of your communications supporting each other, talking to each other's friends and family, screen shots of you videoing etc will show you have spent time fostering your relationship regardless of the distance. ALSO, they want to know, despite your rejection, you're still making every effort to talk to, video with and see your spouse like you were before refusal. They also want to know that your family members have a relationship with your spouse and you also have a relationship with their family members also, so show proof of that.