They requested her passport copy at the beginning of the process. Well actually they didn't request it per se, rather it is a requirement in the process I believe for principle applicants to submit a scan of their passport.
No I haven't filled out an additional family schedule A. Being a non-accompanying this is not a requirement for inland applicants. IRCC doesn't (to my knowledge) ever ask for schedule A for non-applicants that are Canadians, especially ones living in Canada.
Best advise if you haven't applied, just follow the document checklist and get those PCC done sooner than later if you have lived outside of Canada since 18. Also word of advise, do not get upfront medicals until your tracker (on the IRCC website) says you are within 12 months of the process being complete (August 2021 in my case). These medical results are only valid for 12 months.