First of all, Quebec or more to the point Montreal would be my preference anyway.
If you don't want the back story, just skip to the bottom under the margin.
My partner and I filled in the points requirement test for both "the rest of Canada" and Quebec.
To our surprise, nothing we could do would get us past the CRS requirements (476) as we got 421 BUT when filling in the Quebec test, we got more than the required 59 points. The requirements are completely different and our skills seem to be more valued in Quebec.
This is probably our last hope of moving to Canada in any way we can think of. I have always wanted to go back and finish my French (I did GCSE but never persued it after that) and so has she (same deal).
Quebec's points system seems more welcoming to us in our situation for whatever reason and as a Canadiens fan (GO HABS GO!) that suits me just fine, ha.
Of course, I'm still extremely cautious but also starting to become optimistic as well.
What is the most reliable test of our eligibility online?
Does anyone know what B2 "High Intermediate" would class as in terms of our education level in the UK?
Can it really be true that a City & Guilds level 2 in Social Care is more valued than a 1-year degree?
Am I reading it right that you would get 1 point for just having visited Quebec for 2 weeks and 2 points for 3 months?
If we do actually qualify and reach over the golden "59 points" mark, is there another points scoring test after that?
I hope this is the right way to lay this thread out, if not just let me know and I'll change it.
Any and all help greatly appreciated.