Basically in my case, I already had an undergraduate degree & I wanted to pursue a post secondary level diploma (I chose the program because I genuinely wanted to pursue that course) so both of my refusals were for that particular course, after my 2nd refusal I realised that irrespective of my countless explanations they won’t pass me unless I opt for a post graduate level of study (my refusal reason in GCMS notes also stated ‘no progression of studies, furthermore that made them think that I’m not a genuine student’)
My overall IELTS score was 8 bands, GIC paid, 1 year tuition paid, in 2nd attempt I showed even more funds, course was also related
So the only logical reason I could see was the level of study !
So then I decided to pursue a tat different course (but related to my Undergrad field, so courses somewhat matched all three times). I then joined an entry level job in January to fill the gap & the job was of the same field as my new course.
So coming back to Letter Of Explanation, I didn’t follow a particular template or anything basically I drafted a 4 page SOP & I kind of presented it in a narrative form like a story based on my life & tried my level best to convince the Visa Officer that I genuinely want to study further in Canada
There were few headings under which I drafted the letter -
1. Introduction
2. Academic & Professional Background
3. Why A Transition To This New Course
4. Why I Chose Canada
5. Financial Capability
6. Future Plans
- I tried to remain as humble as possible and I also accepted that I was wrong to choose a diploma initially but now this new path is even better for me.
- I also talked about my earlier refusals and how I devoted my 6-7 months towards those two attempts.
-Tried to convey to the visa officer that the demand of personnels in this field is very high in India (my home country).
-I tried to present a very concrete career objective to make him realise that I am pretty darn serious.
-I also talked about how I wanted to simply gain international experience in the most diverse nation & eventually return back to India as I grew up in that country & I want to settle close to my parents.
-Also, I mentioned clearly why that particular college and that course, told them about the ways the particular course would help me achieve my career goals
The entire point is- each & everybody’s case is very different. Your reason for refusals might be completely different from mine, likewise your profile would also be different from mine but the thing is *just understand the refusal reason, decide it as much as you can & simply try to resolve that concern raised by the officer as smoothly & realistically as possible*
I would also suggest you to draft the Letter Of Explanation all by yourself because nobody else knows better about you better than you yourself. If you draft it all by yourself, I’m sure the person reading it would somehow understand your emotions & if everything makes sense would consider you genuine.
Draft it all by yourself then take help from your counsellor or somebody else who can correct the presentation basically (just make it fluent & grammatically correct)
Do a lot of research, read articles about study permit refusal reason & how to correct them, you can also watch tons of videos on YouTube for the same.
All the best buddy

just put in honest efforts, 100% you will make it !!!