Since you have a similar experience, a quick question - I worked in another country for 89 and 83 days 2 years in a row, those were sort of short term assignments. So after getting my ITA I mentioned those trips under the regular trips section rather than when answering to where I’ve been living during the past 10 years. Now I’m not sure if that’s ok or if I should refill the forms and get a police certificate from that country, too.
I think you've done this correctly (and it matches what I did). As long as the narrative makes sense given all the information and the proofs of employment that you provide, you should be good to go. A likely narrative in your case is that you were employed in the country that you stated your address is in, and were sent on temporary assignments to another country. I would just exercise caution (in case you are claiming work experience for this period), that the story still hangs together.
As per the rules, any stay under 6 months doesn't require a PCC - but as I recall IRCC reserves the right to request one.
In summary, you're good to go. Good luck!