1. Didnt say I was the only one. I dont care if other tax payers expect nothing for their taxes. I do. And yes, newborn babies in Canada dont pay taxes. So they cant claim to pay from day 1."I say I am a tax payer from day 1 in Canada (unlike those born here)"
So ? Are you the only tax payer in this country, or are you implying people born here don't pay taxes? For the taxes you pay there are also benefits that you reap .. healthcare included. No organization is functioning normally in these unprecedented times of COVID. IRCC also operates in the same universe and is affected by same issues -- Your tax dollars or citizenship fee is not making them immune to COVID.
"I paid for the citizenship application, so I deserve some modicum of standards."
You are not unique. Everyone who has applied has paid the fee and are waiting patiently. Unless of course if you paid something extra then you have the right to crib-- did you ?
"Thanks to people like me who made noise, IRCC is acting. You are welcome."
What a self obsessing narcissist comment to make - do you seriously think virtual ceremonies are happening because you howled like a crazy ? Sorry to burst your bubble buddy, but you cannot take credit for it.
2. Again, if you like throwing away money for nothing, thats your call. I dont.
3. Yes, IRCC themselves admit they have acted due to pressure on social media and press.