Hello everyone. I just received an email today about my mom’s PR application. MHB surveillance. Please see below
My mom passed the medical May 28, 2020. and i checked her application online the last update is the Medical passed. Did someone received the same email? Thanks for all your help.
Good day,
The results of your immigration medical examination (IME) indicate that
you are required to report to a provincial/territorial public health authority (P/T PHA), as you may have a medical condition considered to be one of public health significance in Canada requiring a medical follow-up referred to as
The P/T PHA has the responsibility to conduct a medical follow-up according to established protocols. Therefore, you may receive a letter or a phone call from the P/T PHA regarding next steps to completing medical surveillance. The P/T PHA must inform Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) that you have complied with medical surveillance for IRCC to update your file.
If you have not heard anything from the P/T PHA after three months, please email the Public Health Liaison Unit at IRCC.MHBSurveillance-SurveillanceDGMS.IRCC@cic.gc.ca
For IRCC to notify the designated P/T PHA of your medical surveillance requirement, please kindly ensure that you have provided IRCC with your updated Canadian residential address. A copy of your IME will also be sent along with the notification. Please know that without a Canadian residential address, IRCC cannot inform the P/T PHA of your medical surveillance requirement.
If you do not know your address upon arrival, or if you relocate to a different province prior to your appointment with public health, please email the Public Health Liaison Unit atIRCC.MHBSurveillance-SurveillanceDGMS.IRCC@cic.gc.ca
As a friendly reminder, failure to comply with all the conditions in this notice may be reportable under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and could have an adverse impact on your current and/or subsequent immigration applications to Canada.
A copy of this correspondence will be included in your file.
We thank you in advance for your cooperation in this important request.
Kind regards,
The Public Health Liaison Unit / Unité de liaison avec la santé publique
Migration Health Branch / Direction générale Migration et Santé
Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) / Immigration, Réfugiés et Citoyenneté Canada