@Hope2021 , I lived in Ontario for a year before moving to BC. I prefer living in BC and here are the reasons why:
1. Rent is roughly the same ( Avg. $1500/2 bdrm)
2. The winters are milder
3. Food costs roughly the same (fresher ground provisions in BC due to food production)
4. Less ppl fighting over jobs. For e.g. I worked in Banking for 14 years and when i applied in Ontario I wasn't even shortlisted. Now I'm working for a Bank in BC that recognizes my previous experience and the salary is 60% more than what i was getting in Ontario. I even flew to Edmonton for training and had my expenses covered (meals, accommodation, fares etc.) by my employer.
5. Used cars cost roughly the same (but theres a used car tax of an extra 12%) but signing over ownership is easy.
6. Employers are more aware of work permits and implied status. For e.g. my spouse moved from Ontario and was hired by a company with his expired SIN and implied status work permit. They didnt even ask for the renewed copy- he is the one who brought it in 1 month after.
7. BC is close to Vegas

a rountrip flight can cost as low of $200CAD.
Overall, I think the Western Provinces have more job opportunities for immigrants, esp those with work experience. They tend to find that it's easier to get a job more in line with what they had before. I think Ontario is overrated.