I agree. It's not going to go down .
Nope. I disagree
Score will come down
No IELTS and lesser ECA is equal to obvious score reduction
IELTS is clearly not happening till July possibly
As lesser dudes get in, I strongly believe score will come down
No logic I guess in simply saying score will not come down
The recent score distribution (as of April 27) had 7000 dudes in the 460 to 70 range.
3000 dudes above 470
A CEC draw too took place post this distribution table and nearly 4k dudes (major high scorers) were flushed and literally incoming of dudes into pool is almost halted
So if not sure from where these ppl say score will remain 470 no matter what
I challenge these dudes that (if FSW draw resumes) minimum CRS is coming down
470s have taken loooots of ITAs since the last 8 months. 460s n 50s will have their day soon
Let's be simply positive no matter what
Minimum CRS score is coming down.
If CEC's score can come down due to halting of IELTS, FSW's minimum cut-off will come down as well