Plz post your reply and answers if a student fail 1,2 or 3,4 courses in college in canada. What is the effect on to handle and tackle this situation if happen to a student.
Plz post your reply and answers if a student fail 1,2 or 3,4 courses in college in canada. What is the effect on to handle and tackle this situation if happen to a student.
Plz post your reply and answers if a student fail 1,2 or 3,4 courses in college in canada. What is the effect on to handle and tackle this situation if happen to a student.
If you have to extend your studies beyond the program completion date and be part-time in order to finish, yes, it can result in PGWP refusal. If you can still manage to finish the program on time and remain full-time, no effect.
I failed a course(3 credits) in my 2nd Semester and then I completed that course in my 4th Semester.
The concern is, I was enrolled for 11 credits in my 2nd Semester But since I failed a course my transcripts shows 8 credits for that particular semester. Now, what shall I do? I did maintain a full time status right? as i was enrolled for 11 credits. It was due to that 1 course I earned only 8 credits in the end. Please revert!
I failed a course(3 credits) in 2nd Semester and due to that my total credits count for that particular semester went down from 11 credits to 8 credits. Was i still a full time student as i was enrolled for 11 credits but due to failing a course a received only 8 credits at the end.
Also, note that I did clear that course within my program duration of 2 years and didnt extend it.
Please reply!