is there anyone that worked as a self employee, free lancer, on contract and calculated that as working experience? I worked in the same company for last 2 years but out of those 2 years, for the first 4 months I was in contract (company's policy). With hope I still made express entry profile my score is 457 if working on contract is also concluded as 2 years of working experiences, otherwise my score is 444 with 1 year working experience. I'm in cec category, in the mean time I was still waiting and just registered Celpip test again to try to get higher English score.
do I have hope that the draw score will come down to 440-450? but my earliest English test date is may 2nd. I mean I have been patient all these years for last two years lol I can wait years more to complete the application processing or anything only if the score stays around this range 440-450. do I just have to study English more? ugh

I would appreciate any replies. Thanks