Thanks so much everyone for your messages. It’s definitely an AINP family here! Will definitely stay with the forum ... today was just the next step in another 6+ month journey. Sounds great to meet up some day for a Tim Horton’s, a Cesar at Stampede, or something else suitably Canadian!
Sounds like good news should come soon
@MatAb. My boss let me know he was contacted by email, he had responded within 5 min. My emails from IRCC and AINP officer arrived 20 min and 24 min respectively after their message to my boss. So they should get back to you soon!
The updated AINP website is usually a good sign as you say
@Ajnim. Finally officially confirmed the Feb 20 draw after 3 weeks. Wishing everyone good luck.
Also have never mentioned the Alis website, though others have. Link is The ones listed as being in high demand, medium demand etc are slightly different to the PDF on Alberta government site that I’ve linked before. Perhaps the Alis site is more up-to-date. As has been said ... no-one really knows who gets nomination, why or when (sometimes seems not even the good folks at AINP

). But important things seem to be: completing your EE profile correctly, having an NOC in demand (doesn’t have to be “high”), not being on the excluded NOC list, having connection to Alberta through work/study/family (though hopefully this will change soon for outland applicants). And another important thing is to try not to lose hope on the way! May there be lots of draws in March and the coming months, and best of luck with your journeys.