Hello again folks,
Here is my detailed timeline for those who are still waiting:
AOR Mar 23, 2019 (I applied as a principal applicant and my wife as a dependant while we were in Canada)
Returned back home for a family visit (I left and my work permit was in process and my vise was expired. This is not the right thing to do but this is what had happend)
Medical passed on May 5th, 2019
***Long silence ***
Sent a webform on Aug 30, 2019 inquiring about my application and highlighting that I have a potential job opportunity (I did not have a job offer yet and it was just a verbal offer that is why I did not attach any thing to the webform)
ADR on Sept 9 about my experience and they were asking the typical request of a contract or bank statement showing the salary, etc.
Submitted on Sept 16
No updates after that
Sent another webform on Sept 23 (6 months line was passed) asking about the status and no update since I submitted the required docs. It was similar to the webform sent before but added a sentence about the 6 months.
Sept 26 got an update in the background check status(mostly my criminality passed on that day)
On Oct 1, I got a response saying that my background check is in process (which I already knew because of the GU) and the officer is verifying the infomration i provided for my eligibility.
Another webform on Oct 21 and got a generic response
Another webform on Nov 18 (I was a bit firm in my language and asked specific questions about dates and status for background check)
got a response as follow:
- The security background verification has not been initiated.
- The criminal background verification is currently valid.
Another webform on Nov 20 saying that I got an interview and I attached the official email for the interview
GU on Nov 28 (security passed

Another webform on Dec 3 saying that I got the job and attached the official job offer
Dec 12 got a message on my account to do Biometrics????????????? Do not know why (I am an inland applicant) but I paid the fees on the same day. And waiting for the information letter.
At this point, my visa and work permit were ready and to be honest I knew that I will get the PR very soon but I was worried about other stuff.
Returned to Canada and did the biometrics in Canada on Dec 18
GOT THE PPR ON DEC 20 Alhamdullilah (thanks God)
This is a very detailed timeline. I hope it could help anybody. I called the IRCC several time using my Canadian number and it cost me a lot.
in my case, I think the webforms were a good cheap option still take time but it was more effective than calls.
One last thing, the PR journey is very case-specific espcially for the people who wait for long time. Do not rely on others experience. However, you can get inspired by reading stories from other people and have that feeling "I am not alone".
Thanks everybody and good luck everybody