The wait is torture! I agree that if you could even get the slightest clue as to when or how things will progress, it'll be a lot better.I have also heard that in some cases, the fee was requested even before eligibility and criminality were passed, so once again there is no fixed trend in this matter.
You hit the nail on the head. All my plans for the next 1-2 years have to be suspended and there are only a few things I can do in this wait period. The most frustrating thing about this whole process is the lack of certainty and the lack of a clear due date. If they can tell me the end date of SS, even if it is a remote date, I can still feel kind of reassured as I know when to expect a result, but now it is a different story as my PPR can be anytime from tomorrow to what knows when.
Funny story; I had a nightmare last night about getting PFL! Hahah! Of course I woke up relieved, but still didn't stop me from checking my account immediately