Restoration to what status? If it was study permit you should have paid for study permit fee, restoration fee & pgwp fee. So check exactly what your consultant applied for. If you are past the 90 day deadline there is no way to regain status as far as I know, also if you are past the 180 days there is no way to apply for pgwp.
The other guy is talking about restoration to worker Im not sure how that works.
After finishing my degree of 2 year in 2019 april i applied for my pgwp within 90 days of my study prmit expire date... ie study prmit expired on 31 july 2019 and i applied my pgwp after 10 days of my completion of study ie on 29 agust 2019...
after 95 i got refusal stating that i have not uploaded my official transcrpits nor i got any email about additional document from them ...all of my frnds they got that email of additional dox.. but not me it was straight refusal. But tht was fine i admit my mistake.
In refusal letter it was metioned to apply again in restoration within 90 days of your study permit expire i was afraid to apply myself i hired a immigration consultant for that
I applied again on agust 12 2019 and paid all the restoration fees and the pgwp fee under rules of 90 days after study prmit expire
now they have rejected and m shocked to see they said i didnt paid the 150$ study prmit restore fee
I had a talk to my agent he said we have done evrything under rules and terms and before deadlines
but i am afraid why this happens ??
I have done so hardwork to reach and stand
This is really unfair with me ???
I want the answer am i not eligible for work permit
This is the end ????
My future is Deemed