Hello everyone,
I am new to this forum, and I have no one I can turn to ask for advice in a similar situation. I am reaching out to you whom can all relate with this complex situation and who are also going through this heart-wrenching experience.
I am a Peruvian born in Toronto. I met my Cuban husband through a mutual dance company I was performing with in Santiago de Cuba
in April of 2016. We married in April of 2018. We initially applied over a year ago and the order of sequence of our application for spousal sponsorship is as follows:
Application Sent: October 29, 2018
Application Returned to me: February 2019 (They requested for his sons birth certificate and Notice of Assessment)
Returned Full Application with Requested Documents: April 11, 2019
Notification of Application Received from CIC: May 28, 2019
Sponsor Approval: June 19, 2019
Notice Application Forwarded to Visa Office in Mexico: October 10, 2019
Medical Request for Dependant sent to my husband: November 1, 2019
He has attempted to contact the mother of his son and her parents as they have assumed full custody of his son since birth. He mentioned they are quite malicious and do not let him see his son unless he pays them. He has attempted to call them everyday before and after work with no answer, since he received the request for medical. He went to their house Thursday and Friday and no one was home. He asked their neighbor and they mentioned that they believe the family has left town, as they do this often. (his son's mother has now remarried an American and she has 3 children)
We feel helpless and we will be sending a declaration of forever surrendering/renouncing the right to sponsor his son in future and a full explanation of his attempts to contact them.
1. Where do we send this letter, to the CIC in Canada or to the Mexican Visa Office?
2. Would they accept the letter if I sent this on my husbands behalf?
3. I understand everyone's case is unique, although what typically happens after this medical for dependent request?
Is it followed by a request for his medical (Trinidad), fingerprints (Habana), interview (Trinidad)?
4. Can anyone share their timeline from start to finish?
This has been a very stressful experience and hearing your insight and sharing positive vibes can help the process

I just want my husband home
