Note: I'm a long time lurker of the site, and this is my first post, so excuse me if I posted this in the wrong place, etc. -- just let me know what to do in the future.
In 2014, I applied for citizenship as a minor, and since then I've seen my application sent back numerous times, including for odd reasons, such as the application being an older one despite my submission months earlier when it was the current application. And, yes, I know that there are many applications in line, including some that have taken longer than mine, but this delay in processing has been seriously frustrating considering I've lived in Canada since I was a child -- and I've been a Permanent Resident (PR) for nearly all my life.
In May, I received a request for biometrics -- also referred to as "fingerprints" -- and I submitted them a few days afterwards, and since then, my application has remained in the "in progress" status. I haven't seen an update since then, and I'm worried Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) lost my application once again, as they did in 2015.
I was wondering if any of you know what I could do to get a proper response from IRCC. (I tried emailing them in April, but they only got back to me about two weeks ago.) I have also had to pay the application fee twice: once in 2014, as a minor, and again in 2018, as an adult, for some reason.
It appears you have made, at the least, a second application in 2018. Whether or not you still have the earlier application pending is NOT clear.
Obviously there were problems. No need to get tangled in the blame game, that being what it was.
SHORT ANSWER: If you are sure the earlier application is NOT pending, FORGET that application. It is NOT relevant now. Focus ONLY on the pending application.
Especially when dealing with IRCC, stay focused on the current application. Do NOT complicate things by so much as mentioning the other application (but if asked questions about it, of course respond appropriately).
The IRCC telephone help line should be able to verify that the application is in process. ATIP request for copy of GCMS records might be a good idea if and when it has been, say, more than a year and a half since the application was made.
Obviously, since you have received a FP request, your application is non-routine. Thus, you can anticipate a longer timeline than some others.
If somehow the 2014 application is still pending, that could be complicating things. First thing to determine is the status of that application. You should have a file number for that specific application. The IRCC help line should be able to positively answer what the status of that application is, based on the file number for that specific application. I am guessing, but am not at all sure, you want to make certain that that application has been closed . . . whether denied or withdrawn or abandoned or whatever.
Once you know for sure the 2014 application is closed, no longer a pending application, then you can focus ALL further inquiries (here as well as to IRCC) on the 2018 application. Forget about the 2014 application. Otherwise there will be a tendency to make things more complicated . . .
. . . assuming you really do want the 2014 application closed, and then you are sure it is closed. Then that application and surrounding circumstances should be entirely NOT relevant . . . and you then want to NOT complicate the 2018 application by involving or referencing any of the details or circumstances attendant the 2014 application.
Then you can pose queries to IRCC (and here) ONLY in reference to the 2018 application and respective details. Focused exclusively on the 2018 application. That should help minimize the complications.
(Note, for example, for purposes of a citizenship application, where you were prior to the relevant five year period, or six years for applications made between June 11, 2015 and October 10, 2017, is NOT RELEVANT.
The fact you have lived in Canada all your life since you were a child is NOT relevant. Only the "eligibility period" is relevant. This may not feel right to you, but relative to frustrations, it can help to stay focused on what is relevant. Thus, likewise, to the extent your frustrations derive from the earlier application, forget that application. Not relevant.)
The IRCC telephone help line is probably better than an email query, at least until you are clear that the subject of inquiry is specifically about the 2018 application. Be sure to use the applicable file number for the 2018 application.
You can apply for a copy of your GCMS records for the citizenship application through the ATIP procedure. There are several topics here discussing how to do that. Others here are more familiar with doing that than I am.
That said, it is worth noting that there are many, many forum participants who still have 2018 citizenship applications in process, so you are way, way short of having an unusually lengthy application timeline (this is NOT considering your 2014 or otherwise earlier application . . . which, again, you probably want to be sure is closed and is NO longer of any relevance, not in consideration) . . . depending, of course, on the details of your 2018 application (a January 2018 application would be well overdue, whereas many fall 2018 applications are still in process).