WOW!!! So did you get a ghost update or just randomly called them up?
Seems like closer to medical expiry or once medical expires triggers something
i applied through a consultant - so no access to account.
i just felt like calling when i woke up - first time choose an option for call back on textnow ..
I got a call in 20 mins - gave all the information - put on hold - got back and the agent said everything passed -
i was like - could you please double check - are you sure - She said Yes "and she was smiling" - i was so excited forgot to ask about medicals details ..
Woke my mom up - told her about it - called few of my Friends in Canada - they were superr excited - ready to pick me up from the airport and asked me if i was on my way already(was a joke)
Took Almost 1 Hour to get hit with reality - then thought about Medicals and called back ..
Well all i can do like always is Wait for them to make the decision about med extention or remed..
Atleast a Huge Burden is over ..
Well i hope i am going to hear the same kind of excitement from everyone waiting here