I talked to an agent on Wednesday and asked her to send a message to the Visa officer, which she agreed to send right away. However, I could not trust this officer a bit as she was not friendly and very cold. This was the first time I got such an agent, all the previous ones were super nice. I knew from my previous calls that she can't send that reminder to the visa officer now, so I decided to follow up by calling them again today. I had a long list of questions and was hoping to get a nice and patient agent. Fortunately I got one and the conversation lasted around 40 minutes in total.
I am listing some of the questions here.
1. I asked if they send the message as agreed on Wednesday, the answer was no. I was not surprised at all. When I called them on Aug 15, they told me that my next delay due date is Sep 14 and they could send a reminder only if there is further updates on my profile by that date. So, technically there was no way she could have send a reminder, but why did she agree to do so then is beyond my imagination. I guess its the general trend with these people agreeing to do this they have no intention of doing.
2. Since my eligibility is recommended pass, I asked when can I expect it to be accepted pass by the immigration officer. I was told its a case by case scenario, some gets accepted within hours and some takes weeks. Anyway, I am day on 17 with recommended pass, could be here for a while as per the general trend.
3. Who recommended pass for my eligibility, a program assistant, case analyst or someone else? She could not answer as this is an internal procedure and no information is available to the client support agents on the matter.
4.what are the remaining steps? Eligibility to should be deemed as pass/met. BG check must be done and accepted as pass. then they will send me instructions to get documents to complete my landing.
5.When is the next delay due date? Its given as 22 September. On 15 August, it was 14 September, they just extended it by another 8 days with out doing anything else on the file.
6.Which part is complex/difficult to verify on my application? No information available to her, Only the visa officer can answer this question. As per the system my application is complete, all documents are available and they don't need any information.
7.Is there any point in expecting a result at all? What is the worst case scenario she knows?
She could not comment on this. However, told me that I am not alone in the situation (like I needed her to tell that) and there are more people in similar situation than I can imagine. I just said it doesn't make me feel better, instead I just feel sorry for all of them.
8. Why this entire process doesn't have any transparency? She could not comment on this either.
9. Does these visa officers have any deadlines to follow? are they accountable for missing deadlines? Do they have to answer to anyone for delayed processing of an application? (this was the main question I wanted to ask, I had guessed the answer, I just wanted to hear it from someone on the other end, that's all)
The answer i got is (
@curious_furious please take note)
"No, once an application is assigned to an officer, its all in their hands. they will accept it if they feel like they can accept it, they will put it on hold if they feel like they need more time to process it. They might choose application that are easier to process over applications that might take longer to process. They don't have any real deadlines, your dead line was extended by the visa officer without any explanation. So, you can understand, its all down to the visa officer and he will work on an application only when he wants to work on it. Even if we send them reminders they can reply by saying that they still need to double check something or they couldn't verify some information."
Well I kinda knew this already from talking to someone who used work in a VO.
Anyway she is the 4th agent so far to tell me that what the agents tell us is not always true or update information. Some agents sugar coat their words and will try not to disappoint you, some will try not to give you hope. Sometimes, they might not have the latest information because the VO did not update the file also they have no access to the internal processes.
Anyway, I want to believe that last bit, it's been my gut feeling for a while.
To all the Visa officers who don't give a damn about our time, feeling,money, hopes and dreams, I wish you all rot in hell

You guys have made respect the good for nothing, lazy government employees I have seen in other countries. they are far better than you lot.