Did my oath ceremony today in Halifax. That was an interesting experience.
It was scheduled for 9AM. My family and I left home early to avoid the morning rush hour traffic (roughly 7:20AM). Ended up encountering no traffic and reached the immigration office at 7:40AM. We sat in the car until 8 then went inside at waited some more. One of the immigration officers came to let us know that the registration is at 9AM and the oath ceremony was at 10...*facepalm*. Waited some more....Registration started at 9, they took our PR cards, media consent forms and checked our IDs and COPR. At about 9:45, the officer conducting the ceremony started her preamble (talking about what to expect during the ceremony, etc). Oath ceremony starts promptly at 10AM...there was a bit of talking, then the judge was introduced. Judged talked for about 5-10 minutes. We recited the oath, then they called us up 1 by 1 to receive our certificates and sign another form signalling our completion of the oath. There was 50 of us so that took a while. After that was done, there was a bit more talking. We were congratulated, we then sang the national anthem. That was basically it, judge and RCMP officer walked out. In total, the ceremony was roughly 40-45 minutes. People lined up to take a picture with the judge but I didn't too care about that. So I left.
Journey is done for me finally. Best of luck to everyone else. Next stop for me is applying for my passport