Thanks My theory is the duration is also influenced by when the next Visit is to Victoria. If one is coming soon they respond to fit them in. However, if one has missed the next window then it could take time. Based on what I see, we likely missed the September visit so the next Visit would be in Maybe March. I like your optimism though.

Are you talking about In Process stage or the whole process?
I think the system works like this:
Sydney office receives all Citizenship applications first.
They input paper applications into their systems (data entry) and email AOR to applicants at Sydney office then they transfer each application to its final CPC for further processing. CPC (Case Processing Center) is a office that process and finalize applications after AOR. Sydney itself is a CPC too (deals with a part of applications).
When CPC received application from Sydney, they change status to "In Process".
CPC's existing backlog can cause further delays for processing applications.
We can assume that for those applications receive IP just after AOR, CPC can be Sydney office and application just move from one room to another.