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Post Graduate Work Permit Processing Time (PGWP)

Jul 10, 2019
Hi,guys. Does anybody know, if i worked 20 hours per week while i studying english and transfer university courses in college, can i take work permit? they let me to take it? whats happen to my process?


Hero Member
Jul 10, 2019
Hello guys.....

I came across this website via google. I am new to this website. Bear with me and pardon my ignorance on questions I have in regards to my situation. My situation is complex is why i have resulted to ask my question here. What really get me very depress about my situation is because circumstance beyond my control is what have lead me to it.

My background

I came Canada 2014 to study a 4 years degree STEM program at a university. I was a full-time student all throughout my studying at that university until around Jan 2016 when the unexpected happen. I got bad news from my home country that my mum (who is my sponsor) is ill. My mum is a business woman. I am the only child of my mum. My mum is financially stable and been the person paying for my tuition and all other living expenses in Canada. I have never bothered to work at all in Canada because my mum provide for all my needs.

My mum illness started in jan 2016.I notice that when her illness started, whenever I talk to her via video or voice call, she barely recognize me. At that time, she appears to exhibit signs of memory loss. She was taken to the hospital where she was "misdiagnosed" to have diabetes. It took months for doctors to discover exactly what the nature of her illness was since her body is not responding to medication given to her. Around March 2016, I got the news that confirms that she have cancer of the brain, this explains why she barely recognize me or anybody and her memory loss.

I was very depressed about the sad news to the point that I barely could concentrate in class. My family has never had any medical history that has anything to do with cancer. Hearing my mum have cancer got me by surprise and begin to wonder how. The core of my depression is because of the fear I MIGHT lose my mum due to the nature of her cancer. Cancer does not have mercy on humanity. We all know that when doctor mention that one have cancer, the next question that comes to one’s mind is " will I be able to survive and beat the cancer".

I registered for classes in jan 2016 .However, due to my mum's illness, I could not concentrate well in class. It was obvious I was not doing well in my assignments for the courses I register for. I am very smart student is why I took a 4 years STEM program. Most people will agree with me that taking STEM courses requires high degree of concentration and hard work in class to excel well to get good grades. Unfortunately at that time, I have loss concentration. I told my university about it at the counseling office. My university is aware of my mum illness and have given me a letter confirming that they are aware about my situation.

We all know that when it comes to treating cancer (most especially cancer of the brain), it cost a lost of money that can require 4 years of my tuition. The doctors recommend brain surgery to be able to remove the cancer tumor in her brain. The cost the doctor require was close to 4 year of my tuition fees. My mum's illness affected her business so bad that the business was not generating income it use to bring it and there nobody i could trust to monitor the business while I am still in Canada. For that reason, i had to drop my entire full time course for Jan 2016 to concentrate on helping my mum.

While caring for my mum, I took over my mum's business. The only option i have left is to find a buyer to sell off the entire business to raise the fund for her brain surgery. This process is not an easy task which was putting more pressure on me because the more i delay the fund, the cancer get worst. I was told that the cancer have already started to spread to other part of her body. I was able to raise fund from my mum business to pay for the surgery. Fortunately, the surgery was successful.

Please note, the cancer was successfully because the brain tumor was successfully removed. Unfortunately, the cancer has spread to other part of her part of her body. For that reason, the doctor said my mum will require chemotherapy to kill off the cancer. This will cost another round of money again. Cancer treatment is not cheap at all. Anybody who has a love one that has cancer can attest to it.

She was discharge from hospital around May 2016 base on my mum's request. She was told to come back for chemotherapy treatment. If i had known, I would have told the doctor not to doctor till when the cancer is completely removed from her entire body. While at home, her brain suddenly switched off. By that I mean the brain was dead while the body was breathing. She was rush to the hospital. The doctors did all they could to save her but unfortunately, I got the biggest shock of my life. I was told my mum is dead.

I got the sad around 1am Canadian time. To be honest, I felt like committing suicide. I did not see any essence of living. My mum is the first member of my family I lost. My heart is very fragile to accept she is dead (even as I am type this to you guys). I and my mum are best friends. Not having a mum and have to always remember my loss always make me question God why he created death when he gives life.

After the loss of my mum, it took time for me to recover emotionally, mentally spiritually etc. Trust me; anybody that has lost their parent will understand this. My university issues a letter confirming the loss of my mum.

Around Jan 2017 after recovering "slightly", I decided to go back to continue my studies. Unfortunately, the loss of my mum was still affecting me. What then happen is that I decided to transfer my credit to another new university to continue my STEM program. The university offers my program both on campus and via distance. I decided to go for the distance option because it gives me the flexibility to cope with the loss of my mum. Secondly, the new university is located in another province. So, moving to another province was practically impossible for me considering my situation.

One main reason why taken remaining of my courses via distance with the university was the option i picked is because, taken my courses on campus did not work well for me(which is the main reason why i left the 1st university) after the loss of my mum. I needed to sort out my mum assets and sell some of them off to raise funds to pay for my tuition fees and other living expenses. My study permit expired in Dec 2017

There are moments when I think of mum, I get into emotional breakdown and affect my performance. This is one area taking my courses via distances create that flexibility to overcome. It was not an easy task for me to continue to study. There are moments that when I have mental breakdown, it feels like I should dropped out from university completely but ensure I put my emotion into check in order not to give up on my hope of having my university degree.

From 2017 to 2019, I have been with my new university taking my remaining courses .Fortunately; I was able to complete my 4 years degree in a STEM PRGRAM in APRIL 2019.I graduation and went for my convocation. On the day my degree was awarded to me, It bring back the memory of mum because I wish she was alive.

Now that I am now University graduate, I plan to apply for my pgwp. However, I am very confused on how I should go about applying for my pgwp. I have all the necessary document you can think of as evidence about the reason for my break after my first university and reason I move to another new university and take my courses via distance. As it is obvious that circumstance beyond my control is what has led to it.

Below are few questions I will like to ask a lot of you guys in this forum. I really need your advice.

1) If you were in my situation, How would you have gone about applying for pgwp ?

2) What would you advise me to begin to do before starting my application for pgwp?

3) Are there other options?

4) Do you think the new pgwp rules will work in my favor? What makes you think so?

5) The problem I am confused about is not on how to package my application (with letter of explanation and evidence). But rather, the right CIC department that will take time to look into my matter carefully .What do you think is the right CIC department I need to tell about situation?

6) My main problem is that I wish a CIC officer can just call me for an interview to listen to my listen or if there is a way i can contact CIC about my situation. But i have tried to google if that is possible. I know if I try to apply directly the way other student are apply, the CIC officer MIGHT not take time to read my story and might end up making a negative decision on my application.what do you think in this situation to be able to talk to a CIC officer so that i can tell them my story or if possible, when i summit my application, the CIC officer will take time to look into my application and all evidence carefully...any suggestion?

7) Some people might suggest I go back home. If you carefully read my background story above, you will be able to tell i no longer have a home. I have sold my business and asset to finance my education and my living in Canada. Lastly, my mum is no longer alive. For that reason, I no longer have home I have use all my family available resources to get an education in Canada....this is why you notice that I wish i have the opportunity to be interviewed by the Canadian government or CIC officer etc.....in this case, what advise will you give me?

I hope to get suggestion from you guys in these forums. I notice you guys are very smart and intelligent as I have been reading a lot of your comments in this forum....No suggestion is too small and is much appreciated.

Hope to hear from you guys soon.....I will ensure that read and respond to all of your respond..

Thanks in advance
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Hero Member
May 7, 2019
Hello guys.....

I came across this website via google. I am new to this website. Bear with me and pardon my ignorance on questions I have in regards to my situation. My situation is complex is why i have resulted to ask my question here. What really get me very depress about my situation is because circumstance beyond my control is what have lead me to it.

My background

I came Canada 2014 to study a 4 years degree STEM program at a university. I was a full-time student all throughout my studying at that university until around Jan 2016 when the unexpected happen. I got bad news from my home country that my mum (who is my sponsor) is ill. My mum is a business woman. I am the only child of my mum. My mum is financially stable and been the person paying for my tuition and all other living expenses in Canada. I have never bothered to work at all in Canada because my mum provide for all my needs.

My mum illness started in jan 2016.I notice that when her illness started, whenever I talk to her via video or voice call, she barely recognize me. At that time, she appears to exhibit signs of memory loss. She was taken to the hospital where she was "misdiagnosed" to have diabetes. It took months for doctors to discover exactly what the nature of her illness was since her body is not responding to medication given to her. Around March 2016, I got the news that confirms that she have cancer of the brain, this explains why she barely recognize me or anybody and her memory loss.

I was very depressed about the sad news to the point that I barely could concentrate in class. My family has never had any medical history that has anything to do with cancer. Hearing my mum have cancer got me by surprise and begin to wonder how. The core of my depression is because of the fear I MIGHT lose my mum due to the nature of her cancer. Cancer does not have mercy on humanity. We all know that when doctor mention that one have cancer, the next question that comes to one’s mind is " will I be able to survive and beat the cancer".

I registered for classes in jan 2016 .However, due to my mum's illness, I could not concentrate well in class. It was obvious I was not doing well in my assignments for the courses I register for. I am very smart student is why I took a 4 years STEM program. Most people will agree with me that taking STEM courses requires high degree of concentration and hard work in class to excel well to get good grades. Unfortunately at that time, I have loss concentration. I told my university about it at the counseling office. My university is aware of my mum illness and have given me a letter confirming that they are aware about my situation.

We all know that when it comes to treating cancer (most especially cancer of the brain), it cost a lost of money that can require 4 years of my tuition. The doctors recommend brain surgery to be able to remove the cancer tumor in her brain. The cost the doctor require was close to 4 year of my tuition fees. My mum's illness affected her business so bad that the business was not generating income it use to bring it and there nobody i could trust to monitor the business while I am still in Canada. For that reason, i had to drop my entire full time course for Jan 2016 to concentrate on helping my mum.

While caring for my mum, I took over my mum's business. The only option i have left is to find a buyer to sell off the entire business to raise the fund for her brain surgery. This process is not an easy task which was putting more pressure on me because the more i delay the fund, the cancer get worst. I was told that the cancer have already started to spread to other part of her body. I was able to raise fund from my mum business to pay for the surgery. Fortunately, the surgery was successful.

Please note, the cancer was successfully because the brain tumor was successfully removed. Unfortunately, the cancer has spread to other part of her part of her body. For that reason, the doctor said my mum will require chemotherapy to kill off the cancer. This will cost another round of money again. Cancer treatment is not cheap at all. Anybody who has a love one that has cancer can attest to it.

She was discharge from hospital around May 2016 base on my mum's request. She was told to come back for chemotherapy treatment. If i had known, I would have told the doctor not to doctor till when the cancer is completely removed from her entire body. While at home, her brain suddenly switched off. By that I mean the brain was dead while the body was breathing. She was rush to the hospital. The doctors did all they could to save her but unfortunately, I got the biggest shock of my life. I was told my mum is dead.

I got the sad around 1am Canadian time. To be honest, I felt like committing suicide. I did not see any essence of living. My mum is the first member of my family I lost. My heart is very fragile to accept she is dead (even as I am type this to you guys). I and my mum are best friends. Not having a mum and have to always remember my loss always make me question God why he created death when he gives life.

After the loss of my mum, it took time for me to recover emotionally, mentally spiritually etc. Trust me; anybody that has lost their parent will understand this. My university issues a letter confirming the loss of my mum.

Around Jan 2017 after recovering "slightly", I decided to go back to continue my studies. Unfortunately, the loss of my mum was still affecting me. What then happen is that I decided to transfer my credit to another new university to continue my STEM program. The university offers my program both on campus and via distance. I decided to go for the distance option because it gives me the flexibility to cope with the loss of my mum. Secondly, the new university is located in another province. So, moving to another province was practically impossible for me considering my situation.

One main reason why taken remaining of my courses via distance with the university was the option i picked is because, taken my courses on campus did not work well for me(which is the main reason why i left the 1st university) after the loss of my mum. I needed to sort out my mum assets and sell some of them off to raise funds to pay for my tuition fees and other living expenses. My study permit expired in Dec 2017

There are moments when I think of mum, I get into emotional breakdown and affect my performance. This is one area taking my courses via distances create that flexibility to overcome. It was not an easy task for me to continue to study. There are moments that when I have mental breakdown, it feels like I should dropped out from university completely but ensure I put my emotion into check in order not to give up on my hope of having my university degree.

From 2017 to 2019, I have been with my new university taking my remaining courses .Fortunately; I was able to complete my 4 years degree in a STEM PRGRAM in APRIL 2019.I graduation and went for my convocation. On the day my degree was awarded to me, It bring back the memory of mum because I wish she was alive.

Now that I am now University graduate, I plan to apply for my pgwp. However, I am very confused on how I should go about applying for my pgwp. I have all the necessary document you can think of as evidence about the reason for my break after my first university and reason I move to another new university and take my courses via distance. As it is obvious that circumstance beyond my control is what has led to it.

Below are few questions I will like to ask a lot of you guys in this forum. I really need your advice.

1) If you were in my situation, How would you have gone about applying for pgwp ?

2) What would you advise me to begin to do before starting my application for pgwp?

3) Are there other options?

4) Do you think the new pgwp rules will work in my favor? What makes you think so?

5) The problem I am confused about is not on how to package my application (with letter of explanation and evidence). But rather, the right CIC department that will take time to look into my matter carefully .What do you think is the right CIC department I need to tell about situation?

6) My main problem is that I wish a CIC officer can just call me for an interview to listen to my listen or if there is a way i can contact CIC about my situation. But i have tried to google if that is possible. I know if I try to apply directly the way other student are apply, the CIC officer MIGHT not take time to read my story and might end up making a negative decision on my application.what do you think in this situation to be able to talk to a CIC officer so that i can tell them my story or if possible, when i summit my application, the CIC officer will take time to look into my application and all evidence carefully...any suggestion?

7) Some people might suggest I go back home. If you carefully read my background story above, you will be able to tell i no longer have a home. I have sold my business and asset to finance my education and my living in Canada. Lastly, my mum is no longer alive. For that reason, I no longer have home I have use all my family available resources to get an education in Canada....this is why you notice that I wish i have the opportunity to be interviewed by the Canadian government or CIC officer etc.....in this case, what advise will you give me?

I hope to get suggestion from you guys in these forums. I notice you guys are very smart and intelligent as I have been reading a lot of your comments in this forum....No suggestion is too small and is much appreciated.

Hope to hear from you guys soon.....I will ensure that read and respond to all of your respond..

Thanks in advance
For your case i suggest talk to a lawyer. add explanation letter with your submission


Hero Member
Jul 10, 2019
For your case i suggest talk to a lawyer. add explanation letter with your submission
For your case i suggest talk to a lawyer. add explanation letter with your submission
@ hkang12

Thanks for the response. thatsis part of what I plan on doing most particularly wrting a LETTER OF EXPLANTION with my applaction.
some people receommend that i use the paper application because it will give me opportunity to write the letter an provide all necessary evidence becos I have of copies of evidence with me.
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