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Ray of hope 122th draw


VIP Member
Feb 26, 2018
I don't know why you have that assumption but Canadians are just as nice and mean as any other population in the world. People in Saudi Arabia are both nice and mean to foreigners as well.
And since you're giving all this preachy talk about being a "true Canadian", why do you feel the need to practically attack someone on the internet because he has different view than yourself? This is very contrary to your "no true Scotsman" fallacy.
You're still in India and acting as if you know Canadians more than people who actually lived here for a decade. Get a hold of your emotions and relax your self. Attacking people on here will not give you an ITA.
Nothing wrong with being hopeful just as nothing is wrong with people having a realistic approach. People are not out trying to get you if they post their opinion.

Also, I have at least met 20 rude Canadians in my short life of 25 years.
Lol he and his brother here think once they make it to canada it's all ice cream and cookies under the rainbow. Unfortunately they will exhaust their savings in 3 or 4 months and go back.


Hero Member
Apr 19, 2019
Haha bro.. Your words really touched me! Especially the punjabi ones! :D

"Hun appa pakka dafaa hi kar dene aa!"

I know. Indeed, I pointed this thing in order to reflect the actual personality of the Canadians, which these folks are spoiling extensively with their wrongful intentions. So, it is extremely unacceptable!!
Kite moderator na howe, mai ta maa bhain diya gaalan kddan shoot ethe. ;)


Star Member
Mar 3, 2019
With these numbers I seriously feel I have no hope. My wife is hopeful though. Both of us are 27 and we are appearing for ielts this month end. Even if we get clb 10 we will be at 443 points. Both of us are working and can't leave our jobs. I have my CFA charter which I now feel is of no use as I don't see it being accepted by wes. No idea how to increase points. Seeing the pool increasing I feel really low.

I have no idea what to do next..
I had my ACA assessed as a bachelors degree. Which I disagree with as I think it’s master equivalent but your CFA should be the same I would have thought


Hero Member
Jun 28, 2019
NOC Code......
I had my ACA assessed as a bachelors degree. Which I disagree with as I think it’s master equivalent but your CFA should be the same I would have thought
Unfortunately no, i looked everywhere, they do recognize it, but the assessment will count my undergrad and not my CFA. Harsh reality. The only thing keeping me afloat is once I do get my PR I am planning for my MBA in canada and hoping to leverage my charter as a plus point


Champion Member
Jan 3, 2019
I don't know why you have that assumption but Canadians are just as nice and mean as any other population in the world. People in Saudi Arabia are both nice and mean to foreigners as well.
And since you're giving all this preachy talk about being a "true Canadian", why do you feel the need to practically attack someone on the internet because he has different view than yourself? This is very contrary to your "no true Scotsman" fallacy.
You're still in India and acting as if you know Canadians more than people who actually lived here for a decade. Get a hold of your emotions and relax your self. Attacking people on here will not give you an ITA.
Nothing wrong with being hopeful just as nothing is wrong with people having a realistic approach. People are not out trying to get you if they post their opinion.

Also, I have at least met 20 rude Canadians in my short life of 25 years.
Did I say Saudi people are not nice? Why're you taking it personal?

I think you're mistaken buddy. I said that because several members who previously had been in the ROH threads, have revealed the fact regarding these negative folks who're recently in Canada, as they were also going through the same struggle and asking others whether they had any chance in 2017-2018!! But, now they're not being any kind of help to the needy ones. Instead, they come up with incorrect information like IT peeps have no scope in Ontario or anything else!!

Yes, nothing is wrong in being realistic. However, you can't force anybody to have the same opinion as of you. You're not an Immigration Lawyer/Officer. (I'm not talking about you.. I'm considering the negative ones who keep buzzing around with their wrong predictions and discouraging others by calling it to be true).

Well, talking about the Canadians: yes, I know its almost impossible for all of the Canadians to be nice! However, migrating there and being arrogant or not helpful to others is not humanity. Moreover, from your experience: you met with just 20 rude people in 25 years!! That's too less man..
At some point, it alleges the facts claimed by the surveys!
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Hero Member
Jun 1, 2019
I am not a person constantly put negative on anyone ~ only to certain people or some unrealistic high hope here

You have a very good chance to get ITA in next round or so. You can get medical if your clinic allow or your authority accept upfront PCC

Your checklist should ask you for IELTS, Education degree, Passport, Employment letter, POF etc

Please get your passport and start to find out your last 10 years travel history and personal activity. get a PCC if you stay/travel a certain country for more than 6 months

Thanks for the response...sure I will do
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Hero Member
Jul 27, 2018
Just let them have a debate

it is good to have very positive and negative people debating ~ so people don't just listen/accept to one side

Positive people will give them hope and make them feel better but negative people may remind them don't be too relax (people like to hear a good thing so they will hate the negative for sure)

Smart people will judge what is the right thing to do at the end.

Just like the stock market, there is bull and bear (pumper and dumper)
Gud one, let everyone speak his mind!
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Star Member
Jul 20, 2015
NOC Code......
Did I say Saudi people are not nice? Why're you taking it personal?

I think you're mistaken buddy. I said that because several members who previously had been in the ROH threads, have revealed the fact regarding these negative folks who're recently in Canada, as they were also going through the same struggle and asking others whether they had any chance in 2017-2018!! But, now they're not being any kind of help to the needy ones. Instead, they come up with incorrect information like IT peeps have no scope in Ontario or anything else!!

Yes, nothing is wrong in being realistic. However, you can't force anybody to have the same opinion as of you. You're not an Immigration Lawyer/Officer. (I'm not talking about you.. I'm considering the negative ones who keep buzzing around with their wrong predictions and discouraging others by calling it to be true).

Well, talking about the Canadians: yes, I know its almost impossible for all of the Canadians to be nice! However, migrating there and being arrogant or not helpful to others is not humanity. Moreover, from your experience: you met with just 20 rude people in 25 years!! That's too less man..
At some point, it alleges the facts claimed by the surveys!
I really am not looking for a prolonged argument regarding this here. I was just shocked of how angry and confrontational you became all of a sudden. As a person who frequents this website daily (mostly as a ghost), I do enjoy both your posts and the posts by the other "sharma" who I assume is your brother. I'm sitting at 451 myself (just started with EE profile last month) so I am on the "high hope" bandwagon believe me.
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Star Member
Jul 20, 2015
NOC Code......
Just let them have a debate

it is good to have very positive and negative people debating ~ so people don't just listen/accept to one side

Positive people will give them hope and make them feel better but negative people may remind them don't be too relax (people like to hear a good thing so they will hate the negative for sure)

Smart people will judge what is the right thing to do at the end.

Just like the stock market, there is bull and bear (pumper and dumper)
Exactly why I made that post earlier. I do appreciate both the hopeful comments and the comments that have some hard truths to them that ground us and make us want to compete better. I do not want a Disney type forum where ALL people are only saying "yes yes just believe it in your heart and my positive vibes will give you an ITA". I want a bit of both worlds.. i.e. A democracy.
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Champion Member
Jan 3, 2019
I really am not looking for a prolonged argument regarding this here. I was just shocked of how angry and confrontational you became all of a sudden. As a person who frequents this website daily (mostly as a ghost), I do enjoy both your posts and the posts by the other "sharma" who I assume is your brother. I'm sitting at 451 myself (just started with EE profile last month) so I am on the "high hope" bandwagon believe me.
Oh, is that so! Well, I respect your words. Beleive me, I didn't do that intentionally. No offence!

Certainly, you're talking about @13nitinsharma . He is not my actual brother but you can say internet brothers/buddies. ;) Like him, there are many others with whome we share our ideas.

Anyways, all the best for your application. 451 is a sound score.


Hero Member
Apr 8, 2019
NOC Code......
CRS score pool estimation and cut off prediction for 24th July based on previously published CRS score are as below

June 21st CRS distribution are:
451-600 =5,980
441-450 =6,775

It means, in 9 days from 12th June to 21th June, there were:

= 32profile/day (285/9)
451-600 =209prof/day(5980-4099=881/9)
441-450 =24profile/day (6,775-6460=215/9)

By 26th June, the score distribution would be:
=445 (285 + 160(32x5days))
451-600 =7025 (5,980 + 1045(209x5))
441-450 = 6895(6,775 + 120(29x5))

After the 26th June draw, with only 3350 ITAs issued, the CRS score distribution would have been:

601-1,200 = 0 (3350-445=2905)
451-600 = 4,120 (7025- 2905)
441-450 =6,895

The 4,120 in the (451-600) are those sitting at 451-462 only. The density of these scores are unknown. Maybe most of them are sitting at 450s or 460s. No one really know.

July 5th CRS distribution are:
451-600 =6,305
441-450 =7,169

It means, in 9 days from 26th June to 5th July, there were:

= 35profile/day (312/9)
451-600 =243prof/day(6305-4120=2185/9)
441-450 =30profile/day (7,169-6,895=274/9)

By 10th July, the score distribution would have been:
=487 (312+ 175(35x5days))
451-600 =7,520(6,305+ 1,215(243x5))
441-450 = 7,319(7,169 + 150(30x5))

After the 10th July draw, with 3,600 ITAs issued, the CRS score distribution would have been:

601-1,200 = 0 (3,600-487=3,113)
451-600 = 4,407 (7,520- 3,113)
441-450 =7,319

Which means those 3,400 (2,185 +1,215) additional profiles that were added after 26th June draw until today,10th July before the draw mostly had score of 451-460. Suppose 40% of 3,113(1,245) are from 3,400 candidates who have score of 461-600 got ITA in today's draw. The rest of 60% of it which has score 460 and below didn't get ITA because of tie break. Considering the tie break being June 11, the remaining 60% of 3,113 (1,868) who have score of 462-460 are from the 4,120 candidates left after the 26th June will be selected as they will have earlier date of EE profile submission than and/or June 11.

Those 4,407 left on 451-600 score range after today's draw are those who have score of 451-460 only now.

By 24th July, the score distribution would be approximately:
=490 (35x14days)
451-600 =7,809(4,407 + 3,402(243x14days))
441-450 = 7,739(7,319 + 420(30x14days))

With 3600 ITAs
The cutoff score is 459-460

With 3900 ITAs

The cutoff score is 457-458

The cut off score will still be high because some of the PNP candidates might get approval between now and the next 2 week before the draw. So the number of profile who have 601+ and above will obviously increase as well.
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