Yes, I received an email from the London visa office in April this year, requesting updated police checks, as well as passport, height and eye colour details.
I received a further request for passport and passport-style photos a couple of weeks later (PPR).
I am now awaiting confirmation of permanent residency.
If you know the reason why your application is under review, I highly recommend you use the IRCC web form to provide any additional documentation you think will address the delay.
I only found out after receiving GCMS notes in November 2018 that my application (May 2018 AOR) had been parked - awaiting review - since July 2018.
I wasn't asked to, but I provided additional documents straight away. If I hadn't, I can only assume immigration would have sent a request months down the line or, at worst, rejected my application.
I emailed immigration a number of times between November-April, only to get the same generic response: my application was "awaiting final review".
Then, out of the blue, I get the aforementioned golden emails.
My CIC account status hasn't changed since July, so don't read too much into what you see there.
It's frustrating, I know, but be proactive if you can - and stay positive

Good luck!