Admin Please update the sheet.
App delivered : March 27
AOR : received just now
App delivered : March 27
AOR : received just now
Updated. Congratulations.Admin Please update the sheet.
App delivered : March 27
AOR : received just now
Updated. Congrats.After almost 90 days of wait, it's here finally, just received my AOR.
At lastAfter almost 90 days of wait, it's here finally, just received my AOR.
Sheet updated. Congratulations Mazher1934Finally received AOR
Application received date March 29
Days Presence 1105
CongratsFinally received AOR
Application received date March 29
Days Presence 1105
Thank you for the informationFrom 2018 tracker, location wise and month wise AOR to IP for Scarborough:
Month Days (AOR to IP)
January 36
February 57
March 66
April 56
May 18
June 12
July 7
August 9
Sept 10
October 2
November 8
December 15
Also note that this is average time for all applicants that applied from scarborough in that specific month.
DONEAdmin, could you please update the spreadsheet as my ecas status is "In Process". Thanks
"3. We started processing your application on June 11, 2019."
Congrats !!Got the AOR this afternoon (June 12).
Please can you update the spreadsheet?