My husband is a permanent resident, a close relative of his recently recieved a TRV under the pretence he would be staying with us for the duration of his visit. We both wrote invitation letters in support of his application. When the relative arrived in Canada we only saw him once...we discovered he had been in an online relationship with a lady here and he stayed entirely with her. We were shocked to discover that this woman has sent his thousands of dollars and they plan on getting married in a few months. He has stated to my husband that he is using this woman for financial gain and to obtain residency for himself and his children. The woman he’s “scamming”
Does not believe thst this is his intention...she’s oblivious to what he is trying to do. My husband told her what this mans true intentions are yet she still wants to marry his relative. Once the relative discovered that my husband had informed this lady that she was being scammed, he threatened to harm my husband and myself. He told my husband we need to “watch our backs” because he will soon be back in Canada and will “ put gunshots in my husbands head” is there anyway this mans TRV can be revoked at this point? It’s mutiple entry for the next 4 years. We regret sending him the invitation letter, we do not want him back here. What do we do? Please help!!!
Does not believe thst this is his intention...she’s oblivious to what he is trying to do. My husband told her what this mans true intentions are yet she still wants to marry his relative. Once the relative discovered that my husband had informed this lady that she was being scammed, he threatened to harm my husband and myself. He told my husband we need to “watch our backs” because he will soon be back in Canada and will “ put gunshots in my husbands head” is there anyway this mans TRV can be revoked at this point? It’s mutiple entry for the next 4 years. We regret sending him the invitation letter, we do not want him back here. What do we do? Please help!!!