Bear bread chocolate spices. Any other you re call from last 10I have Bear, fear(others wrote anger here).
Dave chose strawberries, variety was one, the girl was excited about the design she was go to plan or something. Dave was happy because of the extra gain in was it economics or mathematics? (A new subject tho)Give two reasons y d students want to meet for their project
Y did Dave chose pear n y did d other gal chose organic crop or somtin?
How many variety?
Pls who has answers to d above questions?? Kindly post.
Then d cave questions too..
I tink one is trying diff boating
Hike mountain
Forgotten d rest.
Oranges for the night clubBear bread chocolate spices. Any other you re call from last 10
I wrote angry faces points lost
One word!!!What was d word limit for section 4...was it two?
Oranges for the night club
Hotels were expensive and he made a home on landY did DAT man stayed iin ail??
He bought a land and ??
Retired there. Was the clothe he wore a business clothe? I remember they speaker said no one saw him wear that.other options were made of bedding and local peopleY did DAT man stayed iin ail??
He bought a land and ??
clothes were made from bedding??Hotels were expensive and he made a home on land
No.. First section we are supposed to write two words,It was North not "The North". You were supposed to write only "one" word.