I know, my ECA took almost 3 months and I got stuck because of thatThink about plan B now ~ you only have 2-3 draws left and 454 is very very risky
you can only stay here as visitor or if your employer extend work permit for you (this will become complicated if you are carrying PG open work permit)
You didn't enter the pool earlier ? last draw was still 450
(Updated till 12:00 PM IST today) CRS summary of active members waiting for Golden ITA:
- 460+ (Total 7) - KayPi: 468 | Ontario@Canada: 463 | ashwin863: 462 | huesso: 462 | ajangbar001: 461 | meet0708: 461 | parth7d: 461
- 455-460 (Total 11) – ryeCatcher: 460 | MuibKhan: 458 | chirkut: 458 | #EEC: 457 | sarak1812: 457 | royalking: 456 | phuketlove: 456 | SimonSaleh: 456 | Sara890: 455 | Eddiesol: 455 | Nsidhu: 455
- 450-454 (Total 26) - Folaroyal: 453 | madhav_91: 453 | Suhasrs: 452 | sehgaljps: 452 | cdddelhi: 451 | Bageshree: 451 | praveen22: 451 | captainUT: 451 | 13nitinsharma: 450 | kalex123: 450 | nehadeep: 450 | jkaur95: 450 | shamu2013: 450 | hakweye: 450 | parvin2019: 450 | ekta29: 450 | skg1988: 450 | DreamITA: 450 | mamuso: 450 | vmsanthosh.chn: 450 | akm_11: 450 | anusha1712: 450 | mominmalik5: 450 | mandiebraxton: 450 | xyz2017: 450 | Avmaia: 450
- 445-449 (Total 54) - Shaanoh: 449 | Div_newbie:449 | veritas1994: 449 | dappy9: 449 | Manru:449 | AnkitaShukla: 449 | a.altigani: 449 | IndianFam: 449 | prsingh: 449 | SanjibSaha: 449 | kvaram_62: 449 |nitinkalra07: 449 | patel_d07: 448 | EnthuChap: 448 | shine04: 448 | Agarwalparesh26: 448 | Tivativalu: 448 | AmeyaGodbole: 448 | Tilly3: 448 | M2a3r4y5a6m: 448 | SimonSaleh: 448 | Hydowwu: 448 | msgill88:448 | Lazybug: 448 | matteis:447 | D'trox: 447 | Noopur_23: 447 | Ravi_15: 447 | Meer85: 447 | Flowerview: 447 | armaanwadhwa: 447| nikki1992: 447 | Saial: 447 | Ranjitrip: 447 | shaunk_redemption: 447 | Brian_natt: 447 | infectious: 447 | LKRYA: 447 | Reet_123: 446 | Kk1234:446 | SASH8288: 446 | Sreedev83: 446 | MynameisMTS: 446 | RochelleAlford: 446 | rahulkraju: 446 | epema.kz: 446 | prince_lords:445 | Uchyann: 445 | frightenedpanda: 445 | dawak: 445 | nolimits7405: 445 | Boluwaduro: 445 | asad_ali_awan: 445 | MittalM: 445 | siataheri:445 | Yiss: 445 | IeltsDream2019: 445
- 441-444 (Total 31) - NikSharma01:444 | NishaKirthi: 444 | Sonammahajan: 444 | mominmalik5: 444 | kadeed:444 | Jms_16: 444 | v_nitesh_k: 444 | Ainpeespirant: 443 | MzBAH: 443 | gmi3001:443 | pursuit: 443 | ravinder_singh:443 | sidra91: 443 | rharmon: 443 | seff786: 443 | seff786: 443| aloobharta01:442 | Kiamin: 442 | tani: 442 | MV18: 442 | Shishir Chandra Kumar: 441 | SociallyAwkward: 441 | BumbleFrisbee: 441 | Ram89: 441 | intels: 441 | Maalee: 441 | SJ24: 441 | anandthepilot: 441 | beluluba: 441 | Mukeshprasada: 441 | akhil994: 441
- 435-440 (Total 15) - bluehorse:440 | Tamilan8: 440 | Chavoshhh: 440 | ppa: 440 | Siddharth-BOM: 438 | cadiee:438 | :438 | Sara1981:438 | rdj08: 438 | Nidsy: 438 | ghvijay: 438 | Vive: 438 | Kiamin: 437 | Sam0301: 437 | sheikh.abaz: 435
Please share your updated CRS score if you're not included in this list.
- Below 435 (Total 5) - Life79: 432 | Day2203: 431 | moto90: 424 | AND IND: 423 | Sdabas: 421
Yes before every draw there was maintenance notice ...Why does maintenance notice means so much?
What is the past trend?
Does CIC post maintenance notice befor each draw?
Anticipating something out of unexpected... hard to do that...What could be possible cut off? Since this is rather unexpected draw
Where did u seeeLooks like CIC may conduct a draw next Wednesday (June 5). They put out a maintenance notice for next Tuesday.
Hi punit so if according to your calculation what could be the CR's score for June 4 the draw if it happensForget data analytics, I doubt your mathematics now!
There was no need for a call or WhatsApp from CIC to me .
Simple calculation brother:
ITA issues: 3350
Cut off: 450
Means there were 3350 candidates with 450 or more score, however I cannot tell exact figure due to no of candidates left on 450 because of tie-breaker
Once again salute to ur data analytical skills of 12 years
This will be all yours HBday wishes in advanceI hope there is no pnp draw ... and score will decrease .. its going to be good gift on my birthday... maintenance notice up